ISIS Strasbourg
The ISIS Institute is a Mixed Research Unit (UMR 7006) shared between the french National Center of Research (CNRS) and the University of Strasbourg. Its mission is to promote top level scientific research at the interface between Physics, Chemistry and Biology. For this reason, the Institute is strategically placed on the Esplanade Campus nearby the Faculties of Physics, Chemistry, and Life Sciences and reports administratively to the Vice president of the research of the University of Strasbourg. The Institute features three types of research laboratories: the Senior labs, the Junior labs, and the Antenna labs, which are both public or private.
The are headed by internationally renowned scientists and are financially supported by the French Ministry of Research and Technology and by the “Grands Organismes de Recherche” within the framework of the contractual policy of the University of Strasbourg.
The Junior labs have been created to host young scientists who are given the opportunity of starting an independent career and developing original and innovative research. The junior group leaders are expected to diffuse out of ISIS at the end of their appointment, which cannot last more than six years.
The Antenna labs are open to private or public partners willing to carry on part of their research activity at ISIS. These labs are hosted under limited-term contracts.